Shine On Challenge

Started by Tony W, August 13, 2009, 10:33:48 PM

Tony W

Wow, thanks everyone!

TJ, that was actually my Schecter C1 Special. I switched up guitars last night just for a change of pace.

I was dozing off while importing the backer tracks. I really wish I had the patience to hold off until this weekend so I could play it 1000 times before posting..... but I had a really successful night of practice, so I got a little carried away.

I'll be youtubing the song again today and giving it a solid listen before rolling back to my take and listening to it. I'll be sure not to "song removed" this thread regardless

**EDIT** 2 of you are supposed to be going on vacation, what were you doing posting?

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Oh yea, vacation, thats the thing I was forgetting.  Thanks for reminding me Tony.  :D

I am not actually leaving until tomorrow morning, then it will be all red for a week, red sandy beaches, red lobster, red sunburn, PEI red ale (from the microbrew pub in Charlottown, yum yum).  Thanks for asking.  8)

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
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Great job, Tony!! Mr. Gilmour would be proud - Excellent tone and timing. You are very serious about your playing, which I respect - Time to relax a little for a performance well done!!

Quote from: Tony W on August 14, 2009, 05:59:00 AM...I'll be sure not to "song removed" this thread regardless...

Oh, if you did that, you'd never hear the end of it... ;)



PS - If you haven't heard this song before, there's a whole new world ahead of you! Pick up Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here(Home of this song) if they aren't in your collection already. You'll want to play guitar 24x7 after listening...
"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
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Tony W

Thanks Mark, very much appreciated.

I've listened to a lot of Pink Floyd, I don't know how I could have ever missed this masterpiece. I youtubed it today, Its so good it makes you want to smile, cry, laugh and hug all at the same time.

I was talking with Mike earlier today, I told him something that I really should have put in the first post. I'm editing it now.

On a side note, I didn't realize it, but I practiced for nearly 7 hours yesterday. Time just stood still or flew by, I'm still not sure.

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Hey TonyW  Great job!!  I hadn't heard this song either,  just haven't had the time to go for a try at it.  You did just great.  Your timing is sounding good and you have your own special sound.  Thats' what amazes me how everyone has their own special sound.  You are really rolling along.  won't be long now!!   It is fun to post the challenges even if we aren't as good as some.  But that is where we learn. From their advice.  You go guy!!!  Can't wait to see you post on the next challenge.


Well done Tony

a very pleasant arrangement of a piece that I have enjoyed for years

Keep on Shinning!

Helen  :)
and if the sun should fail to rise against my
shoulders one last time...


Keep it up, your on the right path and let it flow. This site is a gem of friendlyness!


Tony - way to step up, man. I enjoyed listening to this song. I believe that 99% of electric guitar playing is about making the right decisions. If you can do that, the sky's the limit. If you can't, well....

You make great decisions! Specifically:
1. Lead tone - GREAT choice of patches. Too many guys choose shrill lead patches that sound like finger nails on a chalk board. Yours was cool and perfect for the backing track.
2. Positions - dude, you were on the right spot of the neck at the right times. Good use of higher and lower octaves.
3. Space - this is my own biggest challenge. It's hard to avoid the temptation to play too many notes. Space between notes is an effective musical tool and you did that very well.

I can tell you are really going places. Keep posting!
Come on, you know you want to go there...


You Made this Jazzy!

And Bluesy!!!!!!

Cool Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Work!!!!!!


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this is good-nice feel to it

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