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Jukebox - Suffering Machines - Lyrics

Blind Minotaur (Led By A Girl)

Scene 8:

Dream sequence of a minotaur, tamed and following a girl, who eventually breaks free and chases the girl away.
Guided by an angel
her iron staff
comforts me

from my state of dormancy
muscles contract
like machinery

Your world
is too bright to see
I was born today
will you give me what I need?

Will you feed me
pet me like an animal
wean me and teach me
the tricks I need to know?

I adore you
my life is in your hands
Do I please you?
I am merely dust and sand

But the sun it burns
and the ground it quakes
you know what you want
but do you know what's at stake?

These chains that bind me
could so easily break
I'll pitch all that's in my path
in the fiery lake

When I open my eyes I can't see you
for all that I know I could be you
the place where I'm from is darker than this
I hate to think that ignorance is bliss

My love burns like fire
Fire is the end / Fire is death
The hottest fire is invisible
We learn with our final breath

Song by Ferryman:

The idea here is that his energy has been misdirected all this life, due to thoughts about his own limits or inadequacies (symbolized by blindness). This is him breaking out of that limiting way of thinking.