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Songwriting / Re: Beatles-ness
Last post by Farrell Jackson - Today at 11:03:07 AM
One of the standouts for me with Beatles' songs is the lush backing vocals and good harmonies. Also the perfectly placed ooos, ahhs, and la,la,la's. Good luck with the project!
Original Songs / All Just To Spite Them - a Pip...
Last post by chapperz66 - Today at 10:36:52 AM
So this was conceived as the follow up to the huge success of Fist Pump in the EDM clubs around the world.

I think Ted hit the nail on the head when he suggested that maybe prog is closer to our natural genre than EDM - but that doesn't stop us going for it anyway.  I actually did some research before starting this one - that's an hour of my life that I will never get back!  I can't recall how much French horn, bassoon or cor anglais most producers use.  Maybe they will after the huge success that this will achieve.  Remember where you heard it first.

All Just To Spite Them

It's all just ( there to spite them )

It's just there to spite them ( na na na,nah nah )
It's just there to spite them ( na na na nah nah )

Let me Introduce you to - how to spite them..

I need some more
It's never enough
It's makes me tougher
and it's all just to spite them

( I need some more, gonna get some more
 gonna stock up my store, ad in Finite um
It's never enough, need more stuff
It makes me tough, all just to spite 'em )

..all just to spite them - spite them

I ain't no Humpty Dumpty!
I ain't heading for a fall!
I ain't dull and frumpy!
..but I need horse and kings - to bring me things
horses and kings to bring me things!

..just get it over here, bring me bring me
( on the double)
..just get it over here!, bring me, bring me, bring me..


I ain't heading for no fall, but I need horses and kings to bring me things.

Soundcloud wav link:
Songwriting / Beatles-ness
Last post by maxit - Today at 10:02:06 AM
It all began like a joke, talking with a friend here great Beatles fan and researcher, Marco Maurizi:
"Imagine if someone could write a new Beatles album". Mission impossible I tought (and sacred ground, furthermore), but on the other hand, why not?
I asked Tim and he said yes of course! And now we are here trying to sound like the beatles (just the idea makes me laugh lol).

Now I'd like you all to help us out: what triggers to you the Beatles-meter in a song? Is that the chords? A sound? A melody shape/structure? what does hit you about the fab 4?

I'll say a little thing first (I'm still studying lol): tambourine! I got to a musical instrument shop and bought me a real one and found out it adds an immediate 'early beatles' sound, so happy / fresh. (what the hell I forgot to add it in "someday" lol)

Let me know, thanks
Original Songs / "Neverending Show" w/Lurker
Last post by Blooby - Today at 09:07:16 AM

We finally got around to finishing this a week or two ago. Late shift today so had a moment to attempt an initial mix. Short and not so sweet. Now that I think of it, he just had me remix "Insomniac." I believe this to be a cry for help.

Bourbon, John... More bourbon.


Original Songs / Re: More Lies
Last post by Blooby - Today at 09:04:16 AM

Your posts are like a warm blanket in a chilly day. Your voice and patented jangle is beautifully calming even when the lyrics are not.

Original Songs / Re: Provisional Press
Last post by Blooby - Today at 08:58:01 AM

Trippy. Very cool and complimentary patches. Loves the movement of the chords.


Original Songs / Re: Hair of the dog.
Last post by Farrell Jackson - Today at 07:29:51 AM
Well I say you did shift the air in the room with this cool rocker! Excellent rock vocals and the lead solo was smokin' hot!
Gear Lust / Re: New Guitar - Taylor nylon
Last post by chapperz66 - Today at 07:22:16 AM
Yes - the nylon is absolutely flavour of the day for me and I think for some time to come.  But I'll report back in a few weeks to see if the lure of phosphor bronze returns.   :)
Original Songs / Re: Still In Love
Last post by Blooby - Today at 07:03:03 AM

Felt compelled to come back for more listens. Forget what I said about a country slant. This tune should be as it is.

Loved this post.


Cover Songs / Re: Revelation Song (Cover by ...
Last post by Blooby - Today at 06:59:26 AM

I try to scan the "On This Day" jukebox so the older Songcrafter posts don't get too covered with too much digital dust, and this popped on. I am gobsmacked over the vocals on this. "Jealous" falls way short as an adjective.

Sorry I missed it the first time.
