Anyone use their own drum samples for BR 800 (Or other) units?

Started by Tnguitar, July 14, 2015, 02:32:53 PM


I see that I can replace some of the BR800 drum sounds with my own samples.  The manual say all drum sounds total cannot add up to more than 13 seconds  believe?  One of the things I would really love to replace is cymbal, rides and splash.  Seems that could get tricky as some of my goo cymbal samples sounds ring out for a rather long time.  I'm just wondering f it will be worth learning to do and worth fooling with if it's just going to be too much trouble.  I would love to make a couplesets with certain snare sounds, maybe kick sounds, that shouldn't be a problem because those sounds don't last long anyway, but cymbals can.

Just wondering if others do this and can you save these sets to use in other songs, in other words, once you setup a set with sounds you like can they be saved for good?


Drum kits can be saved by clicking the "WRITE" button in the BR-800 Rhythm Editor. You can save up to 5 kits per song. To use your custom kits in another song, you have to copy the DRUMKIT.BR0 file from the song in which your custom kits were created to the song in which you wish to use them. This file contains all 5 kits. There might be a few other files containing the samples which you'd also need to copy but I don't recall their names at the moment. You'll recognize them by comparing the filenames in the song with your custom drumkits to a song that has no custom drumkits.

One way to get around the 13 second limit is to include some drums and cymbals from the preset kits since they don't count against the 13 second limit. For example, you could have the kick drum from the ROOM kit, the snare from the STD 2 kit, hi-hats and ride cymbal from the JAZZ kit, toms from the 808 kit, and a long custom crash sample. Since this kit would only contain one custom sample, that sample can be up to 13 seconds long. Of course, you can include more than one custom sample, but that will reduce the time available for each sample since the total of all of the custom samples cannot exceed 13 seconds. If you make your drum kits as a combination of custom and preset sounds, you'll probably find that the 13 second limit isn't a problem. It only becomes a potential problem if you want to replace all 12 drum kit sounds with custom samples. Then each sample can only be a little over 1 second long on average.

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Boss BR-864
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     My Boss BR website


Appreciate that 64. I'm glad the 13 seconds doesn't count the BR800 samples.  I toyed with this last night, though I see it will take more work than maybe I would like to do.  For instance, after selecting a couple cymbal samples, a ride and a splash, I trimmed them in Cooledit pro, brought them in and loaded them in the editor, but their volume was far lower than te original samples.  I saw there was no way to adjust the velocity to the kit, only to the patterns, which was a bummer.  I did load them back up and increase their volume in Cool edit, though, so that's another step I'll need to remember to do each time.  I'll have to just have both cooledit and the editor up at the same time and hit the drum pads in the editor and compare the sample in cooledit and get the volumes right. 

I'm definitely bummed about having to copy these kits from song to song.  I would rather just have 5 TOTAL user kits on the machine if I could just choose them on the 800 and use them as made in the editor for any song on the BR without having to copy each time.

Anyway, I certainly have plenty of drum options anyway, I can use EZ drummer and Addictive drums and the drums in the BR are fine too especially mixing its kits up.


Quote from: Tnguitar on July 15, 2015, 05:56:50 PMI'm definitely bummed about having to copy these kits from song to song.  I would rather just have 5 TOTAL user kits on the machine if I could just choose them on the 800 and use them as made in the editor for any song on the BR without having to copy each time.

You could make a template song which contains no track data or drum arrangements/patterns. Create (or copy) your custom kits into this song, then save it and protect it (so you don't accidentally record to it). Then, instead of creating a new song, just make a copy of the template song. You can then use your custom drum kits in this copy of the song. If you use BR Song Librarian, it's easy to copy the template from your PC to any memory card. You can even make multiple copies and rename each one right in BR Song Librarian.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website


Quote from: 64Guitars on July 15, 2015, 01:34:42 PMDrum kits can be saved by clicking the "WRITE" button in the BR-800 Rhythm Editor. You can save up to 5 kits per song. To use your custom kits in another song, you have to copy the DRUMKIT.BR0 file from the song in which your custom kits were created to the song in which you wish to use them. This file contains all 5 kits. There might be a few other files containing the samples which you'd also need to copy but I don't recall their names at the moment. You'll recognize them by comparing the filenames in the song with your custom drumkits to a song that has no custom drumkits.

I imported some samples of kicks and snares that works beautifully.

FYI: The other files except DRUMKIT.BR0 are named




etc etc

Talk about design flaw, the files are on the machine but not directly accessible for new songs ( The same thing with imported MIDI files )  !

What were the devs thinking ???

C'mon you BOSS devs give us a Firmware that'll fix these issues plus the sloppy AB repeat ;)