BR Explorer
Song Data Manager
Version 1.05
BR Explorer is designed to work with the following Boss digital multitrack recorders:



Micro BR





Click to view full size
- Browse the BR backups on your hard drive, memory card reader, or directly from the BR and
view details such as Song Name and Size, Track Usage, Rhythm Guide Arrangement details,
Patterns, and Effects.
- Add full-length song titles and notes to any songs.
- Easy Backup and Restore
- Easy interface to Roland's "BR Wave Converter 2" software. Select a backup folder on your hard drive
and BR Explorer will automatically create a virtual drive for that folder and launch the BR Wave Converter
software with the virtual drive selected. Just select your song and create your wave file.
Operating system required: Windows XP or Windows 98
(May work with other versions of Windows but I haven't tested them all.)
Also works in Linux and Mac under Wine.
Windows Vista compatibility:
I've had a couple of reports that an error message appears when the program is first started
in Windows Vista, but otherwise the program appears to work normally after you close the error message.
This error does not occur in Windows XP or Windows 98.